A Slightly Delayed Announcement

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“Hey Ike! Where is that announcement you promised us?” You may be wondering. Well I got a bit distracted. So here is that announcement! So starting this week, the Untitled Car Show is going to have 2 episodes a week! “Whhhhaaaa? TWO EPISODES!? How is this POSSIBLE!?” you might ask. Well first I think you’ve had to much caffeine, so maybe have some sleepy time tea and I’ll tell you.

First what’s the second episode of the week gonna be? It’s gonna a more informal show, some times guest from Oppositelock, some time single or group calls. A few episodes will probably be just me doing some solo stuff. It’s gonna be a bit of an experiment moving forward.

Second if you have sent me a email expressing interest on being on the show, I will be returning emails and setting up times for these future episodes.

When are these episodes gonna be released? The plan is every Sunday.  We intend to record Saturday nights around 10:30pm eastern time. (After my daughter goes to bed). So if you have free time on Saturday nights. Come join in the fun by sending me an email at untitledcarshow@rightfootdown.com

Why am I doing this? Well because I have gotten pretty good at scheduling and operating my normal once a week episode. So the only way to get ahead in this industry is to always push yourself to do a little more. So this is my effort at that!

Thanks for listening to the show everybody!

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(The official unofficial meme of UCS from hondabro)


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