Auto Journalist for Manufacturer News

If you’re genuinely interested in the automotive industry and looking to get your foot in the door and make a few (we’re serious, you won’t be laughing) easy bucks, this could for you.

We’d like to tell you that you’ll make great money doing this. We’d like to tell you that your next stop would be lead editor at Motor Driver (or is it Road&Trends?) — but probably not. In fact, you might even be too embarrassed to tell your mom how much it pays and you definitely won’t be stepping it up from Taco Bell.

You’ve made it this far so here’s the skinny: have you noticed when an industry story breaks, the same images and very similar story is posted on all the big auto news websites? That’s because most auto manufacturers (Acura, Audi, BMW, etc) email out their press releases early in the morning to folks who have signed up for their email list. Folks at these other auto websites simply re-use the images and write their spin on the news. There’s typically little research to go with it — the auto manufacturer is spoon feeding them content.

RightFootDown is NOT doing this today but sadly, that’s what we need.

Still interested?

Now that you know how it works, here’s what we’re offering. And it’s not because we’re cheap, its simply what we can afford.

Full transparency because we’re like that: funding for is generated from digital advertisements. Shocker. RFD profits roughly $200 per month. 90% of comes from our YouTube channel.

$5 per industry news article posted the morning it is released. This may take you 15 minutes from start to finish if you’re good. There may be several press releases each morning for you to choose from depending on the email lists you’ve joined.

Job Perks

  • Resume Builder – Many writers have used as a stepping stone to go on to write for TheDrive, Jalopnik, Auto Trader and more.
  • Invitations to Industry Events – Once you’ve established yourself, don’t be surprised to see invitations for entry to paid events, drives and shows.
  • Manufacturer Press Vehicles – If we really like you and you’re in one of the available markets its possible that you could receive new cars to create reviews.

How to Apply

Email and tell them why you’re the perfect sucker man or woman for the job. WordPress experience a plus but not required.